
Recognizing that no single training delivery method or content will fit all needs, Emergency Management BC (EMBC), in partnership with the JIBC, is undertaking an initiative to build on the experiences of ESS personnel and act on recommendations set forth over the years. This vision for re-development of ESS training is expected to evolve over several years, depending on available resources and funding. The concept envisions levels of training being made available to communities/individuals through a variety of delivery methods and is intended to build ESS capacity in ways that are more accessible, sustainable, and cost effective.

The EMRG-1600 Introduction to Emergency Social Services course is an introductory level courses in the ESS Training Program that is being converted into an open educational resource. The learning materials are housed on a WordPress website and is accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime. If learners would like to receive credit for this course, they can register on the JIBC website to take the assessment.

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